Remember the good old days when all this place had was coffee and donuts, and that's it? Now the people in here are eating finger sandwiches, there's soup flying around.. What's up with that?
I take my Great One (the largest coffee you can order) premixed with milk and sugar served in a large, "I'll keep your coffee hot forever" Styrofoam cup. This place gets busy. Sometimes it is quicker to walk in instead of ordering at the drive though.
The chain reaction of events from ordering to picking up at the counter is typically flawless. While it is true I prefer my local barista.. sometimes you just gotta go with a regular, a donut, and enjoy that comfort. Everyone here is really nice too.
Take that Starbucks - everyone is tired of your bitter coffee, your socialist, elitist environment where everyone goes there to be seen and drop $4 instead of $2 on a cup of Java, and your presence on every flipping corner. Dunkin doesn't hide the fact you're not coming here for your health - Starbucks can quit it with that - instead of a donut, your getting a piece of cake with just as many calories.. screw that...
Welcome to my chain store Java Heaven.