I was very skeptical about midwifery but after some research and meeting Marina I quickly realized it was the way to go. Through the trials and tribulations of our first time birth journey, Marina has been our foundation of knowledge, positivity and much needed calm. It often felt like the world was falling down around us, but Marina was always there to calm us the f down and just reassure us that everything will be ok.
Marina's consistency and strength continued throughout our 22 hr birth day, which we are convinced would have lead to a c-section in a hospital.
Its been weeks since the birth and Marina is still answering our questions, pushing us to breastfeed, and connecting us with breast milk donating mamma's through our post birth struggles, its gonna get easier any day now, right? :).
We are very proud that we were able to have our Magda at home and really cant imagine going through this journey without Marina; she will forever be welcome in our home as a friend and source of knowledge. *Prepare yourself for the cold chill of dealing with regular doctors after feeling Marina's warm glow