I have been coming for about 4 months and have seen a dramatic difference in pain level. I was having terrible, constant pain in my shoulders/neck that was disrupting my work and exercise routine. It was also giving me tension headaches and making me so tired. I also had aching pain in my lower back, especially during my period, on top of cramps that were so debilitating that I had to miss a day or two of work every month. I couldn't stand still for more than 10 min without severe pain.
I am now virtually pain free - even the cramps are gone!, of course having minor flare ups now and then -like when I drive for hours or walk 10 miles. But I will continue going until I don't have any issues. Dr Prinkey made a clear concise treatment plan that works for my schedule and checkbook lol. He explains everything so that I'm clear about progress and what I can do on my own to help the process. It's been a great experience so far!