I had booked my car in for service(coolant flush n fill). When I picked the car it was no surprise that I had figured they would not do the job right, which they didn't. I was not impressed as they use a vacuum system to suck and feed the new coolant. Well after starting my car, I had found there was air in m system which means no hot air. I called them and they said to bring it back to them and they will fix the problem....problem not fixed but they got my money. I will never go back because I don't believe the service was done at all. They come up with every excuse in the book when they are wrong but will not own up to there mistakes....all in all garbage and should be looked at by AMVIC. I also noticed that they charged me a environmental fee...I did not need any environmental services as they were only vacuuming the air out of my cooling system. People wake up the auto industry are a bunch of thieves, I used to work in it and left because of how they charge customers....people our cars are more plastic and more cup holders and the fact you are not really controlling your car..and for nearly the same price as when we built them outta steel..people pay good money for something that is an investment..not for plastic. Brakes at dodge on a truck can run $1000 for all four..the book says to charge so many hours but the mechanic does them in an hour but you pay what the book say.
Mechanic does brakes in 1 hr
Book says charge 3 hrs
You pay 3 hrs work even though it took the mechanic 1 hr
I own my own business and I can't operate like that, I'm not allowed..
It's a rip off people...period