By Far the worse experience ! I went to Lowes to purchase appliances on 9/11/16.
The purchase itself was a pleasant experience. My Sales representative was Brittney.
She Took the time to price match everything for me. I bought a bundle all under 3k. She did mention I had to pay $150 for the installation of the Microwave. Of course, I paid the $150 because I wasn't going to install it myself. I bought a wine cooler instead of a dishware because I don't use dishwashers. Brittney said I was all set, they will call me to install everything when the items arrive ACCEPT my microwave. SHE FAILED TO MENTION ONE MINOR AND VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL! They do not install wine coolers.
To my surprise, when the appliances were delivered to my house the guys told me they DO NOT install wine coolers. They left the wine cooler sitting in the middle of my kitchen and took off. I called Lowes immediately as I was told everything was going to be delivered and INSTALLED accept the microwave. I spoke to the Manager, James, Who called MIKE. Mike is the guy who installs microwaves for Lowes. James asked Mike to "take a look" at my Wine cooler when he came out to install my Microwave, to see if he was able to install it.
Mike called me the next day to schedule . Extremely RUDE !! No customer service Im am surprised he is till in business with Lowes. I asked him for an evening appointment. He said he doesn't work pass 5pm. I then asked him for a weekend apt and his response to me was " I am all booked till the end of October. Keep in mind it was Sep 15 when this phone call took place. I asked him if he had other people that worked for him he said " nope I am the only guy who installs for that Lowes"
I Called Lowes and expressed my concerns about MIke being "booked till the end of October" . I cant wait till the end of October to have my wine cooler install because if they cant install it I need to return it. Lowes only has "30 days customer satisfaction".
After Lowes Spoke to Mike about my concerns, MIKE all of a sudden became "available". Mike called me a week later Sep 21,2016 to schedule. Lowes Calls me the next day to tell me MIke is not willing to come look at my wine cooler. Lowes has NO ONE ELSE OTHER THAN MIKE. I told Brittney i would like to return all 4 appliances! They lost a 3k deal and a customer forever I will never step foot at that Lowes again!!
I will Re-purchase all of my appliances with Best Buy who Price matches and has someone on duty WHO KNOWS HOW TO INTALL WINES COOLERS.