I have been in and out of Caruso's for years as they often have decent styles and reasonable prices. If you're buying a suit or anything that requires a follow-up visit, buyer beware. They are extremely disorganized and keep all of their client notes in a rough unorganized sketch book that all of the family members scribble notes in. The implication of this is your order will often be forgotten or botched.
E.g. A off the rack suit and shirt from them took me 6 visits.
Visit 1: Pick suit and get measured for shirt.
Visit 2: Suit needs some adjusting (jacket a bit baggy, nothing out of the ordinary). Shirt isn't there, get re-measured for shirt.
Visit 3: Suit looks pretty good but they forgot to measure the pant length and they look to long. Shirt order also can't be found and neither can the size. Get re-measured again. "Brother these are the best shirts in the city" reassurance received.
Visit 4: Suit is ready and looks good. Shirt order lost, forgotten, etc... I tell them it's ridiculous "Brother no worries we've got you".
Visit 5: Shirt arrives but isn't a slim fit as requested. Shirt needs to be left for darting. "Brother, these are the best shirts in the city"
Visit 6: A decent suit and a nicely darted shirt all ready to go.
Conclusion: If you're incredibly patient and local this shop could work for you. If aren't local and have other options available to you then check out another shop as the service here is a mess.