Absolutely appalled at the quality of produce and the treatment of customers at this store. Limp wilted squashes, rotten spinach, old broccoli... Many of the managers at the Shaker Square store and the Severance store would just as soon walk through you as look at you. When asking for help most managers will not even break stride or stop what they are doing.
As I mentioned earlier at the Shaker Square store there is consistently old wilted produce. Earlier this week at this store the management started turning off the lights 45 minutes before closing. At the checkout I was forced into one of two open lines, neither of which was an express line. I had 4 items and many folks had express line amount items. I counted around 30 folks in line, many with full carts. It wouldn't have seemed so bad but after enduring the other insults this seemed a very big thing.
I hailed a manager who did stop and give me his attention. I asked him for contact information, perhaps an email or business card, because I had suggestions (for better service) and he told me there was no avenue for this but I could tell him or contact the corporate office, and I shall. My experience has been that it is very easy to forget verbal communications while doing this kind of work.
I would really like to see change. I just moved and this store is so convenient I can walk there if I choose unlike Whole Foods at Cedar and Warrensville where I frequently shop. I also use Constantino's at UCI on Euclid having just moved from University Circle. Some of the employees show the same disdain for customers though my sense is that most do not, which is a testament to most of the employees.
When I said something about the lines and the lights while in line I was met by a chorus of agreement, aggravation and other stories of experiences like the one I had earlier this week. Your thoughts? One thing is for sure, I will be taking more advantage of the Farmers' Market on Saturdays at Shaker Square.