| - I will never ever come back to this festival again. I was excited at first to eat some of the worlds best creations in the world: tacos. But from the start, everything was super unorganized and no one knew what was going on! Even though we bought tickets online, we were ushered to stand in line, and no one was about to explain why we had to. After they finally got their crap together and got their employers to show up, we got our wristbands, to find out we had to wait till we got inside to load it up with money. But before that excitement, we had to wait in the to have our bags checked. Though we had 10 min before the even started, they literally waited till the exact time to let us in. But that would have been fine if the all the food trucks were ready, but they were. We were able to finish within an hour, when it got too hot to be outside. As we were leaving, we asked the employer at the exit if we could come back later that day for the rest of the events, and he had no idea. should probably make sure your employers know what's going on. Lastly, the system of loading up money onto the RFID wristband seemed cool at first, but when you're not able to track how much you have left and you can only check once you get to the from of the food line, it was annoying. Then in order to get the money back that wasn't used, you had to wait several days later AND pay a fee. So I had to pay a fee to get my own money back simply because this company decided to use this method.
So just to make sure it was clear, the organizers of this festival need to get it together. I will never be back to this again. I'll just make my own tacos