I tried for an inordinate amount of time to get service at this place. It never happened. A sign told me to find the hostess to be seated, so I waited until I was certain no one was coming. I decided to be active about it and walked down to the manager and two of the waiters, I clearly said "excuse me?" and they paid me no mind-- the only response I got from one of them was a hearty "fuck". So I decided to go ask some people sitting at the tables who the host/ess was and how to get seated and served, they said they didn't know because they had been sitting there being ignored for 20 minutes. I tried going to the bar and was promptly ignored. Finally I decided that his place did not deserve my patronage and left in a real uproar, throwing down their menu in frustration after a very long attempt that was very much in vain. Sadly I don't think they can actually go bankrupt due to their location, but I will certainly wish they get closed for some other reason (either health violations or serving alcohol to minors) because they certainly deserve it. Major fail.