Well they could careless. They stuck a needle in my arm. Put me in this back room all by myself
To wait for 4 1-2 hrs so I up and left now trying to get the needle out of my arm.
I came home and my husband wouldn't take out the needle so on our way to Gilbert we decided to go to ironwood banner after a bit they agreed
To take it out
Amazing enough banner baywood never called guess they never noticed they were missing a patient
I see banner replies. Well just to let you know out there I did call banner and not 1,2,3,4 people did I speak to but I spoke to 5 uncaring people. Then I received a letter and they told me it was my choice to leave. My goodness after sitting for 4 1/2 hrs and the nurses station was closed was I supposed to wonder around the hospital looking for the part they kept open? I don't think so. I was in horrible pain!!!