If I could rate this place less I would. I had the terrible misfortune of staying here for a short while.
First let me start with the proprieter Mike. This ignorant and self important man feels it is his Christian mission to lecture and dictate to people how they should live and behave. I assure you, he is no model of personal ethics or morality. He spouts his idiot manifesto to anyone he can corner. He loves to demean others and boast about his prestigious MBA from some no name online university. What he is proficient at is being a slum lord. This seems to be a family affair as his wife Ann and mother Wicked Wanda are just as culpable.
Substandard does not even begin to describe the deplorable living conditions here. The property consists of a series of small studio "cabins" and trailers. None of the work on the property is done with proper permits or inspections and is performed by people down on their luck who are paid next to nothing. The rent that is charged on these weeklies is ridiculous. They are overrun with cockroaches and mice and for the most part do not have any hot water or heat. Most of units do not have bathrooms and you must use disgusting community bathrooms.
If you want to be treated with an ounce of dignity stay far away from this place. The city of Henderson seriously needs to review this property.