| - Went there for a lunch recently, and was somewhat disappointed. Their online specials are advertised as "half price appetizers", and "$3.00 appetizers". Well, neither one of those advertisements is true. Their "special half priced appetizers" are half the size. That's correct, you read that right. It is one of the absolute stupidest things I have ever seen from a restaurant. Half price, for half the do the math. And there apparently aren't any $3.00 appetizers (would those be a third the normal size if they existed?!). And in the same misrepresenting fashion, my falafal sandwich was not much of a lunch special bargain either, as it turns is normally $7.00, and is advertised for $5.00 for the special. Sounds good, right? Wrong! It normally comes with fries, or a salad, but does not on the special. So ridiculous!!!! The food was decent, nothing to get overly excited about. And our waittress was nice, and did a good job. But between the false advertising, the warm temperature inside (they keep the doors open, it's awful), the flys buzzing around (again, open doors), and the fact that you have to pay to park on Mill ave now...forget it. If you want some similar fare, that tastes better, and costs less, hit up HAJI BABA on Apache (yes, I realize Haji Baba isn't a Greek restaurant).