Roaches, Drive-by shootings, ratchet parties and throwup from the balcony above... Those are just some of the delightful things I lived with for the past 2 years. Good job making the clubhouse super nice and the couches by the pool are pretty cool but the units look as if they havnt been updated in 15 years. When I moved it it looked like someone had handed a child a roller and had them paint the room. The tubs and sinks get stopped up constantly (In all of the rooms). Every time the landscaping people came they would blow leaves and trash under the 1" crack under our door that they refused to fix. Our AC froze all the time and caused us lots of overages. People parked everywhere and made it hard to get out in the morning and when you call security to have the cars towed (OR the office in the middle of the day) You could sit and watch and when they said that they would check on it... surprise nobody ever walks out to check on it. I guess if you want to live in a cheap sh** hole that you can throw ragers in during your college years its a great place. Im just glad my time here is over.
Thanks for the 40$ electric fee too! Since ya know electric was supposedly included.. but you gotta get your last 40 out of everyone! Preeeeesh