Troy helped me get my 5 puggles to behave. My pugs are my fur babies, yes I know but they are all the family I have. I couldn't understand why they were so unhappy that they needed to bark and growl at visitors and fight with each other. It got so bad I had to separate them into 2 groups and my friends stopped coming over. I lived with this for 2 years and it brought me to tears, I couldn't live like this but I didn't know what to do. After hiring a couple trainers that did nothing except recommend I get rid of some of them, I found Troy. My dogs were changed after the first training session! Instead of being their mommy and letting my dogs behave like kids at Chuck E Cheese Pizza, Troy said I needed to be more like a school teacher and provide more structure, routine, and discipline and have them earn their fun time. After a few training sessions, I am so happy to come home to peace and quiet and my furry kids are playing nicely again! I highly recommend Troy as a dog trainer!