We have three kids; 8,3, and 5 months. We've been going here since our first-born's newborn visit. The ONLY reason we have stayed is for Dr. Sudha herself and the lactation consultant, Paulie. Those two are A+, but getting into Sudha is a complete nightmare unless you have a newborn.
Today was the final straw. Out of the hypothetical 10 times a year we need to get in because one of our children is sick, we get in 0 times. Well-checks are fine because they're booked months in advance (if not a year in advance) but we still NEVER get in with Sudha. Today we called because our three year old woke up with an excruciating ear ache. No openings. Not for today and not for tomorrow and AS USUAL were recommended to head to urgent care. What do we go there for? For them to reassure us our kids are growing properly at their annual well-checks? Please. We need a Dr that we can get into when our children are NOT well. We're done with this place... which is unfortunate because we have referred so many people to them. That's probably the exact problem. They have SO many patients their time for actual 'care' is non existent. We will miss you, Dr. Sudha.
Also, to 'second' what another reviewer said... Dr. Scott is INDEED the worst.