| - Note: Review is based solely on LOOKS, as opposed to customer service, quality of products, etc.
Faucet & fixture heaven! Stunningly beautiful showroom, but it'll cost you. A standard single-lever faucet that looks like something you can get at Ikea was $800+! Again, I cannot speak about the quality and would never, ever, EVER attempt to buy anything here without professional advice first, re: experienced contractor, NOT a Ginger's salesperson. ;)
(I'm just at the beginning of the sourcing for my renos, but I've never heard of any of these brands that were displayed here. You won't see any Moen, American Standard, or even Kohler here!)
The sad reality is that most people would probably not be buying anything here, unless you're a doctor's wife/interior designer who has a client with an unlimited budget. Definitely a $$$$ place!