I struggled with how many stars to give the restaurant. I've eaten here maybe 5 times. The first 2-3ish times the food and service were excellent but the last 2 times were awful experiences. The food is always good so there's that but the I've had two horrible customer service experiences the last two visits.
The first was a few months back and I was feeding my 1 year old a banana I had brought with me. She has an egg allergy so I bring her food with me to most places and especially a crepe/breakfast place which serves predominately egg. The female owner scolded me and pointed to the sign that says "no outside food or drink" and I explained to her the egg allergy and that my daughter is 1 and was scolding me really necessary? She waited at my table until I put the banana away and "ordered" a banana from their restaurant. I had also finished a coffee I brought from Starbucks as I was walking in so maybe they were more offended by that and the banana was just secondary?? We decided to give it another try thinking maybe it was all just a big misunderstanding.
The second bad experience was this morning. The family sitting next to us was literally asked to leave the restaurant because their 4 year old was playing with the (cheap) plastic placement. There was some sort of sarcastic exchange between someone from the family and the owner so maybe that played a part in the owner asking them to leave but regardless.... it was all super unprofessional and I honestly felt like a sellout for staying and finishing my breakfast. I wish I had left in support of the other family because of how they were treated.
Moral of all the rambling is that from my experiences.. they don't want kids at their restaurant and they treat you very poorly when you bring them. Which is unfortunate because the food is good but it's not worth it and we won't be back since strike 2.