I must be a glutton for punishment because I just keep coming back. This time may very well be the last. I ordered their E tu Brute and there seems to be some type of unpleasant crunching within the salad as if there were sand on the kale or spinach. I would like to assume it was washed, but I'm not convinced. However, the over arching problem with this place is the absolute and complete lack of consistency. I found myself praying to not get certain employees to assemble my salad because they would come out horribly bad. Usually drenched in salad dressing or next to none, skimping on ingredients, etc. I think they need to work to train their employees in order to offer a more consistent product. The biggest issue is the salad dressing - what does light, medium, or heavy mean? Well it could either be entirely the same or completely different depending on what employee you get to make your salad. Also, most (not all) of the employees need an attitude adjustment. This indicates to me that management is lacking. Please train people! and supervise them appropriately!!