| - No! No way! I never thought I'd be saying this, but I found a pretzel that exceeds The Pretzel Shop on the South Side.
Ever since my first visit to Philly when I was eight years old, I fell in love with those pretzel street vendors selling those amazing crunchy, chewy, salty treats. Each vender seemed to have a different mustard. Didn't matter, I wanted soft pretzels. I remember my older cousin Frankie taking me to a place near Betsy Ross' house. A portly man, quick witted, W.C. Fields nose, white hair, reminded you of someone's grandfather. Frankie ordered two pretzels and the man squeezed the most amazing mustard on them. We sat on a stoop (Philly speak for steps) and shared a conversation about baseball and we downed those pretzels like they were the last meal we were ever going to eat. Sorry I got off the subject....
After working out at LA Fitness I needed some carbs, I saw the Philly Soft Pretzel Factory and pulled in. My mind was transported back to Philly for just a moment. These looked like the ones W.C. Field's sold out of his cart. I ordered one and went outside on the stoop and took a bite.
Cue the harp and fade out like a dream sequence from the 60's TV shows.
I was eight years old, Frankie was 17 again, still the same cheesy teen boy mustache, I was wearing P F Flyers, I had on a horrible striped shirt like I was on the TV show Zoom, and a mustard gold Pirates cap on my head. Frankie was showing me on a map where Shibe Park used to be, and how close we were to the Liberty Bell. We'd go there after we finished our pretzels. He wiped the mustard off my face, straightened my hat, told me he'd buy me a Phillie's cap and we walked to the car.
Back to the present. It's amazing how a food, or a smell can take you back to simpler times, when all you had to do in life was pass your classes and do homework. The pretzels they sell here remind me of the one they sell on the carts in Philly.
They also have Pretzel sandwiches and Pretzel wrapped hot dogs The real hot dogs with the natural casings. If there's no parking on the South Side, head over to Collier and hit this place up. If you've ever had one in Philly, be prepared to take a trip there in your mind.
PS I still have that Phillie's cap. I need to call Frankie.