I love the bags but depending on the day you go into this store to buy one you either love it or hate it. It's the only store around though that is close. The second last time I went in the SA I had was wonderful. This last time I went in to buy a bag it was close to closing. About 15 minutes to close. I knew what I wanted but something else caught my eye also. When I went to check out my gift card had to be called in because of the date on it. They actually asked me if I could come back tomorrow because it would take too long and they were closing. I was a little annoyed by this but I really wanted the bag so I came back the next morning. When I showed up the SA was kind of "put out" that she had to call the gift card in. Kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. Didn't feel very welcomed in the store as I did my previous times. Maybe it would just be easier to order online....