| - Hey, First negative post! Please take my advice:
Just don't do it.
-Smell: It's possible a chain-smoker used an old wet sponge to extinguish his cigarettes for hours in this motel with bad ventilation....that's the best way to describe the smell....just mildew and ash.
Noise: Before going to bed, I could hear people walking up to the building door, and then their footsteps all the way down the hall. I'm an easy sleeper so I didn't think anything of it until someone decided to make a phonecall in the hallway and I heard his whole life story in detail.
By bedtime, I was annoyed by the drunk people playing music on their cellphones as they passed by with that brassy and high pitched sound that cellphone speakers produce....2 hrs of that just drives you nuts and the noise level would wax/wane simply on how far down the hall they decided to be while hanging out..... but once I fall asleep, I'm usually good so I wasn't too worried.
At some point in the middle of the night, I woke to a loud argument involving threats of people getting their head bashed in....heard someone call the front desk (again, thin walls..but on the bright side, at least I knew someone made the call so I didn't have to!).
Some time later around 230AM...I woke up to some very drunk laughter and merriment going on in the hallways. I started answering emails since I was up....about 5 minutes later, someone opened their door to scream at the party that it was a no-fun zone (some kept yelling that...I found it kind of funny).....then it got less funny when several male voices just start full on threatening each other and cursing as loud as they can in order to intimidate each other....that goes on for a minute or two. Then a door slams...then door banging to get the other person back out in order to settle their heated debate on masculinity.
Then silence after about 2 more minutes of door banging.
I fall back asleep.
Then I wake up to door banging again...but it's the cops this time....
Warnings all around. Fall asleep again.
Wake up in the morning and bail....never again.
Oh, hair in the bathtub and empty shampoo bottle.
Candy wrapper on the floor near my bed.
Silverfish bug cruising around in the bathroom sink.
Crumbs or something on the floor in random places...
As long as it isn't a roach or roachlike bug...I don't care...and hair doesn't bother me...but when you have hair, trash, and worries you that maybe those sheets were just reset rather than changed....made me wonder, at least.
It's bad here guys, just don't do it. If you can snatch a room for like....25-30 bucks and there is nothing important going on the next day and you can afford a bad night sleep, maybe.....but just spend more and sleep happy.