It's a lot nicer than the buses in the area in from, I'll give it that haha. The Deuce comes with nicer than usual bus drivers and even some attendants towards the front who help you get around. There are display screens and announcements that also make it clear as to where you should get on and off. It's double Decker, which we really loved, it gives you a nice view of the strip and makes you feel like you're on a tour haha. Its clean and nice looking. I recommend getting the 24 or even the 48 hour passes, it really makes it easy for you to get up and down the strip and over to Fremont St. My only gripe is that finding the ticket kiosks is confusing, they're not at every stop and the stops that they're at, they're not always visible, but overall I'm very glad that we had this as a transportation option :-)