FINALLY a good bouldering gym in the GTA region!
*Disclaimer: As a beginner, I worry about different things than a more seasoned climber may worry about so this review will be written in the perspective of a beginner.
The first thing you notice when you walk into The Hub is how incredibly large and CLEAN it is. Obviously, since it has just opened.. but also clean because The Hub arranges it's problems based on colour and doesn't use the conventional taping method that True North and most other gyms use. The OCD side of me really enjoys seeing the nice thematic look of it all :). My only concern is that I don't get to try different holds with certain colours. You have to pretty much commit to a certain hold for an entire problem.
There were tons of problems for any level so getting engaged is not an issue for a boulderer at any level. What's fantastic about The Hub is they will have beginner puzzles for each different type of surface. Want to learn to scale an arch? There's a V0 for that. Want to learn how to climb uneven surfaces ? There's a V0 for that! There is even a wall that simulates the wall used for world bouldering competition!
There are two areas where you can top out - one which includes a slide while the other features a down climb. If you're interested in actual belay rock climbing, there are several walls for that but they are much shorter than other facilities. If you're coming for belayed rock climbing, go else where because The Hub's strong suit is bouldering.
The ultimate challenge of The Hub however, is the dragon - a huge overhang structure that looms over you. As it is so tall, a huge foam pit is placed at the bottom rather than a pad. Anyone can (attempt to) conquer the dragon and it has become the main challenge for most people.
In terms of safety, The Hub has covered all its bases - thick double lined pads layer the floor which (based on many experiences) don't have a problem padding all my falls haha!
Run, don't walk to The Hub. It's a great activity for a large group of friends and really switches up your work out. Trust me, you'll be sore the next day and your palms will be burning.