I never understood why the people at this particular location always feel the need to be so nasty to everyone who comes to them for assistance. Each time I have to go into this office to make a payment, I have to hear the same old complaint from the very inappropriate front desk woman about how she's tired of us all dropping our payments off in person and how we should all do it online. I explained to her that not everyone has internet access. To which, she replied that I could also mail it in. Once again, I responded that I don't always have the payment until the day it's due.
It's not enough that a person is in a struggling situation with the irs of all people, but to be berated each and every single time you try to make your payments is adding insult. This is the same woman who shouted at me one day when I only went in wanting to ask a question and accused me of trying my to "circulate" the system because I didn't have an appointment to ask my one question. I insisted that I wasn't trying to do anything like that, but she persisted that I was. So first she basically stated to me that she knew my own intentions better than I did and then she makes me have to explain myself to her each time when simply trying to make my payments. In a nutshell, this office is just horrible for customer service and basic treatment of humankind.