| - Renter be warned! Don't let the pretty front fool you. My wife and I, after 5 years of renting, have finally had it. Between the two infestations of termites, Earwig bugs, windows that aren't properly sealed and leak like a sev in the rain, sub-standard/rushed carpeting, piss poor insulation ($235/month to cool a 900 sqft Apt to 85), bloody hand prints outside, and let's not forget the constant dog feces left on the stairwells we have finally had it. Oh and to top it off, in order to vacate our hovel, they demand 4months rent...that is over $4500 for those of you keeping track.
We have been good tenants who have always paid our rent early, brought issues to the attention of the staff in a polite manner and have always tried to be good neighbors yet there is no assistance or understanding from the office staff. Instead we're fed a bullshit story by the staff about it being a matter of housing discrimination to even "work" with us on breaking our lease (I offered to pay two months rent instead of four) yet we had to "work with them" when they couldn't meet their contract deadline for our move in.
To add insult to injury when we did our final walk through we were presented with a bill for outstanding utilities, half of which was water we weren't even in the apartment to use. When we approached the little princess at the rental office he informed us that, rather than bill each apartment for their individual usage, they average it with the rest of the apartments of a similar size. In case that was a little too convoluted here is the easy version; you don't pay for you own water, you pay for everyone who has a two bed two bath unit! So in the end we ended up, not only paying for a apartment we weren't living in for two months, we also payed for water we didn't use.
Don't rent here! Look at Azul or Borego, almost the same price and twice the quality.