| - I went here today with my boyfriend for lunch just after noon. The place was nearly empty, just three other tables had people seated at them, only one table was waiting for food. Despite the nearly empty restaurant we waited a half hour for a couple of sandwiches. Although they were good (not great) sandwiches we didn't really enjoy them as we had about four minutes to inhale them before running back to work. All told we were in OTB for about 45 minutes, and only 4 of that was spent eating our lunch.
Another peeve of mine is that if you replace the french fries that come with the sandwich with a salad that's 2 dollars. I saw the salad, it was TINY. I know alot of places do this right now, but OTB bills itself as a place for health conscious active people. Why not make it a choice between the lettuce leaves and grape tomato and fried potatoes at no extra charge? That would have endeared me to the place despite the insanely long wait time.
Honestly, I don't want the fries. I'm on a diet and get up at the crack of dawn to go to the gym so I can stop being fat. I rather have the salad, but you're going to charge me a bunch of extra money to REPLACE the fatty fries on my plate with some salad. fine. at least make ti a great big salad with lots of interesting stuff on it. This goes for all eateries out there, give us the option of a health side... vinegar slaw, steamed veggies, raw veggies, whatever... just not fried taters. Heck, how about a steamed tater at least?!