Ahhhh, store that carries Stop Starring, and Betty Page is beyond kick ass in my books. Not only do they carry these fantastic dresses, however they should stockup on more skirts and tops from them too! That being said they - hold the presses they carry Bordello shoes! ...sigh... I love, just love Bordello shoes!
Yes! Girls it takes sometime to get used to them, butt ( hehehe they make your legs and posterior) lift and look fantastic.. I have been stopped on more then one occasion to ask where I got my shoes!
Ladies - yes, majority it was men telling me how much they loved them;)
Sooooo the store got lots of goodies, Gothic, Lottia, and rockabilly..good cross selection of mens clothing as well. So if you dig the pinup and rockabilly look like I do, then this is a good starting point.