I have been in many, many banks in my life, and most of them have been decent at best. A bowl full of Dums Dums, maybe some peppermints, one time there was even a bushel apples. Needless to say, I have NEVER been impressed with any snack selections these places have had to offer. That is, until I walked intoMidfirst Bank, though. These guys brought the mother FLIPPING heat. I'm talking suckers up the wazoo. Every kind of mint you can imagine. Those strawberry candies with the gooey stuff in the middle. The strawbrrry candies with the gooey stuff in the middle except with pineapple instead of stawberry. Bottled water. At one point I swore these dudes were gonna pull out roasted pig feet, I was absolutely astounded by their selection and will be going back as soon as they forget about me taking all of their candy. Five stars, hecking brilliant.