This was a frustrating, exhausting and annoying experience and I am not yet sure why. Reasons could include that the special exhibit (Pope John Paul II) was in it's final week and there were guided tours going on. Regardless I have never had a museum visit like this in my entire life and I have been in huge museums all over Europe, museums where motor coaches just dropped groups off, and museums with tons of kids.
The special exhibit was a maze connecting four rooms. All the people on the tours and those who did not want the tours had to walk through the hallways of this maze following the same path into one of the four rooms. There were two tour groups in front of us and two behind us and more forming. We didn't particularly want a tour group, but there was really not a way to avoid it. The female tour guide in front of us had a very large group and spoke very softly. I could not always hear her above the loud male tour guide behind me and the random sound effects (e.g., plane bombing noises) throughout the exhibit. My suggestions include making the exhibit a bit more spacious, limiting the size of the various groups a bit more strictly and eliminating sounds that add no value.
Aside from all that the content of the museum's special exhibit was good and arranged in a chronological story form making understanding it and piecing other bits of history together with it not terribly difficult. I have driven past this museum quite often for a long time now and finally decided to go because of this special exhibit. The special exhibit area is larger than the permanent collection so I would recommend watching to see if a special exhibit interests you before making a trip out here. And if you get here and the entire front parking lot is full, before going to park by the nearby school/temple, just turn around and come back another day.