| - This would be something I'd fall for. Healthy-check. 0% Yogurt-Check. In the PATH-Check. Cute kiosk-check. Price--this is where I break my habit before it even "astarts."
You can choose a variety of sizes from the following options of bowls:
Honey & Walnut, Maple Syrup & Pecan, Lemon & Poppy Seed, Peanut Butter & Strawberry, Cucumber, Blueberry & Lavender, and Orange-Raspberry Almond.
I had the small Lemon and poppy seed bowl, and it was everything I thought it would be! Creamy, delicious and a sure-assassin for that 3 o'clock sugar slump; however, I'm going to conclude that it is not worth the $6+ price tag. I'd rather just go by Longos (located two steps away) and buy a whole tub of Greek yogurt for relatively the same price.
Cute idea, but surprisingly, not something I would indulge in over and over again.