We, unfortunately, bought a very expensive (almost $10K) leather couch from AZ Leather Interiors. We have a 5 year warranty (we thought) against cracking and peeling. What they didn't tell us that you can't put your body, particularly your head, on the couch. The oils from your head and body will soak into the leather and destroy it. We experienced chipping and peeling of pieces of leather after only one year. They took a look and informed us that they could not repair the damage therefore it was not covered under warranty. No where in their warranty does it say you cannot touch the couch with your body, especially your head. So, the warranty is worthless. In addition, it is the most uncomfortable leather couch we have ever owned. The leather is very slick and you slide forward when you sit straight on the couch. We paid a lot extra to get down stuffing and now find that it crushes and gets misshapen more than the cheaper stuffings. We will NEVER buy there again! We will be replacing the piece that is destroyed at our expense. And then we will be filing a suit at the Arizona Small Claims Court to see if we can get reimbursed for our unjustified expense.