| - I mean, it's Target. It has everything. You just need to know what to buy there, and not get sucked into the convenience of buying everything in one spot.
Beware -- though their merchandise looks nice, and it's a good buy for a student, you don't want to make long-term purchases here. The zipper on a skirt I bought broke the first time I wore it. I've heard horror stories about disintegrating comforters during their first wash.
That said, their store-brand toiletries and other sundry items are fairly cheap, and they have a wider selection than Giant Eagle or CVS. They also have a cool program with -- you can upload your photos, order them online from Target's One-Hour Photo kiosk, and pay by credit card when you pick them up.
I love their cheap accessories -- glasses, bags, jewelry. Along with Claire's and Filene's, Target is my favorite place to shop for those things.