| - Why you should read this review: I was an uber-slave to Pearson as a flight attendant for an undisclosed company, homebase YYZ. You think you were at YYZ a ton this past year? I was probably there more.
My immediate feelings towards writing this review was giving it a solid 1-star. But after thinking quite hard about this place with which I have such a bittersweet relationship, I think I actually have quite a few positive things to say about it too. For an airport its size, YYZ logistics works decently well. For the bitter travelers - things going wrong is really probably due to your particular airline or Operations Control. I think the actual establishment is just trying to move the hundreds of thousands of flights, passengers, baggage and employees to the near-best of its ability.
- It is way too far from the city! Although with that said, I don't see how the huge GTA could accommodate an airport this size without it being infinitely far away. I think this point could be written off so long as you're not the poor flight attendant commuting over an hour on the TTC for work.
- With the closure of T2, you think they would maybe try to rearrange the names of T1 and T3. This is a point of confusion for a lot of people. Poor TTC drivers get the same question a billion times a day.
- Lack of good restaurants. For a hub its size, YYZ needs some more food options, and healthier ones at that. It sucks being an FA or a frequent flyer stuck at the airport with the same Tim Hortons or Starbucks as your mealtime friend.
- US Customs line. Weekday mornings (MONDAYS!) are TERRIBLE, although I don't think this is the fault of YYZ. They need more Homeland Security staff here, for sure.
- SUPERSIZED (totally necessary though!) If you really don't know the airport, you are probably going to get lost due its size. Newcomers or infrequent travelers may struggle and tire themselves out from walking around, searching for where they need to be OR even for someone who can help them out.
- Clean
- Spacious: sure, the check-in/baggage drop-off lines can still get extremely long (especially for the super long-hauls to Asia), but if YYZ wasn't the size it is, it would be a sardine can of Asian travelers.
- Aesthetically satisfactory: I used to think it was drab, and so hospital looking... but having seen other airports this size, I've stopped being a brat. With is high ceilings, modern fixtures, and infinite windows, it now has my seal of approval.
- Efficient (again, near-best effort)
- Inter-terminal train: Can you believe LAS McCarran Int'l having a fricking SHUTTLE BUS system? I've personally walked between the two Vegas terminals with my luggage too many times.
All in all, I think YYZ does well. And I guess even if you don't agree, too bad for you because you're stuck flying into it until YTZ Billy Bishop decides to expand into water and land Dreamliners into the city.
And just a friendly PSA: if your flight is delayed, please don't take it out on the flight attendants. They are not getting paid for the delay either. :)