Oh how I missed you Closed Sunday! When was the last time I saw you? Half a year ago? I'm sorry I had been back in town for many times but never stayed on a Sunday night. Glad I met you again, it was fun fun fun!!!
Crowd was amazing just like the first and second time I visited. Everyone was dressed very nice having a good time. I looked to my left - hot guy, looked to my right - eye candy!! looked behind, hmm better not tell you what I was thinking..
Despite all the parts I loved you about, which was almost everything. But the bartenders, especially those girls with big woman-parts were not nice to me just like they weren't the last time. I know they were proud of their F size but I've got enough Fs in school, no need for that.. Can you tell them that in fact not just me but nobody cares about their chest size so they can stop pushing it so hard in my face? It's more like a visual hazard.
I'd rather talk about Jorge the hot promoter. Tell me his real name, or I'll catch him next time and ask that myself. He's really handsome. What does he like? I wanna impress him.
Okay people seriously, if you're gay and in Vegas on a Sunday, there's no better place to go than here. Ask for Jorge and he can put you on the guest list so they cant harass you with the cover charge. Forget about Krave. I've actually met people who stayed at the Mirage but travelled out to Krave for they had never heard of Closed Sunday. What a great waste of money.. and time.