| - If nothing else you really ought to be buying all your basic fruits and vegetables here. I really can't get over how much cheaper it is at Aldi for the same things you'd pay 2-3 times as much at Harris-Teeter. For example, a variety 3 pack of peppers (red, yellow, orange) is $3! You can pay that much for ONE PEPPER at H-T...or if you're lucky, $2.50. Ridiculous. Trust me, I eat a lot of peppers. Also, 5 lbs bag of gold potatoes for $2.50 at Aldi is normally about $5 at H-T. And don't even get me started on the avocados. That's perhaps where Aldi reveals H-T's hubris the most. You may not be able to find more exotic or fancy stuff like Belgian endive or kumquats but you'll find enough to make an extra trip more than worth your time.
I suggest going to Aldi first and getting everything you can on your list there. Then, and only then go to Harris-Teeter or wherever for what you couldn't get at Aldi. Unless you go on to buy Maine lobster, giant crab legs or whole beef tenderloins you'll probably see your grocery bill cut in half. Isn't that worth an extra trip?
One last thing; don't be put off by their lesser known brands. I don't eat much frozen or prepackaged foods, but through trial and error I can say their cheeses, hummus and anything with the Fit & Active name brand is pretty good. And I can be pretty picky when it comes to quality.
Oh, and the marzipan stollen they sell at Christmas is out of this world!!!