First off let me start off by saying " Looks are deceiving!" When residents of this facility try to go through the proper channels and report suspicious activities nothing gets done to help the situation or the resident. Examples include.. Suspicious individuals and robberies on the property, frequent Police presence, secured gates left open in late hours and car break-ins are to name a few. As for the Apartments themselves walls are paper thin, the air conditioning units sound like a jet plane and the kitchens themselves may look nice but are made very cheaply. As for the management it speaks for itself, Poor communication skills and unprofessionalism are a goal here at Dream, Just take a look at the unprofessional presence of this management team. The company or owner of the facility should be embarrassed at the representation given on the first impression. Furthermore, as my review comes to an end, Please think twice before signing reiterating that "LOOKS ARE DECEIVING!!"