| - I actually stopped by there to get gas at the Valero Gas Station with my "cracked windshield" that was fixed several weeks prior. I got out of my SUV and not one but 3 vultures approached me. The first vulture approached me and I smiled and told him "Oh, I'm just here to get gas. Thank you." The next vulture, "Why don't you give me your insurance card and I'll have that crack in your windshield fixed?" Caught off guard because I was simply there to fill up my tank, I politely told him "No, thank you." Offended, the d'bag countered rather forcefully that it wouldn't cost me anything and why didn't I care about my car? Again, pumping my gas as quickly as I could (and not completely filling my tank), I told him "No, thank you." And then came the encore, as if his ego somehow couldn't bear to be told "NO" again-- as if he been told NO for the 100th time that day. I'm generally a pretty quiet and easy going person but I really wanted to punch this guy in the face!!! Do these people at Valero really think they are using effective methods to sell their product?!?! OB freakin NOXIOUS!!! The goober's friend/coworker (I will call him Vulture numero tres) hoping to sneak in a sell and seal the deal, apologized for his friend's behavior. At that point I was D O N E! I will never go there again and I will tell all my friends how sleazy and pushy that Genie Car Wash/Valero Gas Station is!! It's amazing how many people I have told that have had the same experience. Way to be despicable and lowly, Valero!!