My Sister Darlene spent a week enjoying Las Vegas and gathering souvenirs and goodies mostly (Perishables) and wanted to send it back home to Hawaii. After bringing these to this UPS store and having them pack it and paying $128.51 to ship it and seeing it would reach its destination in 10 days which would have been great.
Well needless to say 10/14/2017 came and went with no box from Las Vegas!
She kept asking our postman and he said he'd keep an eye out for it.
She finally called THIS UPS store in Vegas and spoke to the manager/ owner who told her that it was sent by BOAT!
Wait! $128.51 for my stuff to be sent by BOAT?!? SERIOUSLY?!? I then told this owner/manager then why does my receipt say Expected Delivery Date Sat 14 2017?!? She replied that when they process our shipment and its paid for that is the date that they estimate the package should arrive at its destination. And that if we wanted it there faster it would have cost us an EXTRA $90.00!!
I called the main Post office at the airport in Honolulu and was told that UPS Store actually sent it the most economical way BY BOAT! AND the package that was sent on the 4th of October WILL NOT reach Here till November 14th 2017?!?! OMG!!!
If she could give them - 0 we would definitely do it!!!