| - I saw some reviews posted here saying this guy is rude, so I decided to go in and see for myself if these people are overly sensitive or what.
They're not. This guy is awful. I'd say he's easily ignorable, but he actually kind of sought out conversation with us, but a weird accusatory conversation.
"How can I help you?"
"Oh, we walk by this place all the time and never came in before, so we fi-"
"Oh you dont LIKE PETS?! You just WALKED BY and dont CARE FOR ANIMALS, huh?"
Couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or what, so I tried to strike up conversation with him later and he shut me down with a "no.", short and bizarre conversation.
The place is shady. Very shady. Shady to the point where I'm very surprised he can legally operate. There are walls of fish tanks, some covered in spider-webs, most of them leaning, a lot of them looking like they're near to bursting from the seams. Most of the fish are exotic. Some of the fish are HUGE and living in tiny tiny tanks for their size.
If you root around the back you'll see tank after tank of hamsters/gerbils/rats living on top of each other, dozens and dozens in one filthy tank. I'm not sure whether he fed these to his pythons or not, but I'd imagine not all, there was maybe 8 tanks full of rodents crammed so tightly together they were sitting on each other, and one tank with a couple of pythons.
EVERYTHING in this store is covered in cobwebs. To the point where some of the packages of things like bird-toys had holes in the shrink-wrap, and cobwebs covering the pre-packed items.
I'm not sure what is up with Yelp, but if you scroll to the bottom and you click "Show not recommended reviews" you'll see the legit reviews on here, and they all complain about how unfriendly this guy is and how disgusting the shop is.