| - Had Clint work on my truck twice. Was frustrated and disappointed both times.
First time: Sat down with Clint in early November (2016), said I wanted to get a full OME suspension lift/Dakar springs plus an Add-A-Leaf for my Tacoma. Arranged an appointment for the end of the month when I would be out of town. When I showed up three weeks later to drop off my truck, he said he didn't have all the parts in yet, but expected them to come in by the the time I returned. When I did return 10 days later, he said he didn't get the Add-A-Leaf (AAL) in on time, so I would have to bring back the truck when they arrived (which he said would be within the week). Additionally, my truck now has a slight lean to the left/driver side that he said he couldn't fix (yes i even bought/he installed the spacer on the driver side). Oh well, I hope that it would settle over time. I gave him my number/email, and left. Clint never called me back. I eventually started wondering a month later but I had to deploy so I didn't have time to follow up. Fast forward almost a year....
Second time: I am back from a deployment, and have some custom sliders I want installed, and hoping to finally get the add-a-leaf he owes me. I call Clint in early September (2017) hoping to give enough heads-up to order an AAL before another business trip at the end of October (7 weeks from then). He doesn't really remember me, but says he can order the AAL's and have them in plenty of time. I even call in mid-October to remind him and set a definitive date/time to drop off my truck. He sounds a little confused, but says "sounds good". I drop off my truck, show him the sliders in the bed for install, and leave for my trip. One week later (while i'm out of town), he texts me and says he "can't find the AALs" in my truck. Nearly furious, I remind him that I only have the sliders in the truck and the HE was supposed to order the AALs for me (when I told him to now almost two months ago). He replies with the standard, "my bad" I'll see what I can do. Upon return, same story as a year ago: "They didn't come in on time, but I should have them by the end of the week". The one bright side: He doesn't charge me for the slider install, and just says to settle up when we get/install the AAL's next week. I say, "okay, call me when they come in". But again, I NEVER hear from him. At this point I'm done. I figure as much as he's jerked me around, I'm not even gonna try to follow up. Oh well, at least I got a free slider install out of it (hence two stars instead of one). BTW, my truck still has a slight lean to the left!