Pretty good value for your money. You can find a 2 for 1 coupons in some of the Vegas advertising books. There is a 2 for 1 or 50% off if dining solo coupon in the American Casino Guide.
Not very good for paleo eaters but low carbers should find plenty to enjoy, most of the food is breaded. I was there for the "American" dinner on Thursday evening. The wings (breaded) were pretty decent. I give them a big thumbs up for having liver and onions though the liver was also breaded. They had a roast beef carving area though the meat was pretty tough. They had pot roast and the beef there was much more tender.
They had a baked potato area which you could load up with bacon, sour cream, etc. The salad area was typical as well with veggies and various dressings.
Look its not that great of a buffet - probably on par with your typical american chain (Old Country Buffet, Golden Corral, etc.). Decent for what you pay though, especially with a coupon.