So much for my good review of Las Colinas. In the reviews that are hidden, a user named Chip mentioned move out costs being ridiculous. Well, a month after moving out I received the final bill from Las Colinas.
First, in 3 days I somehow managed to rack up a water bill that's more than half of what we paid for a whole month. Next there is the $425+ for carpet cleaning. Now I will cop to having left the place a bit dirty on move out in terms of the counters and restrooms because I didn't have time to clean it properly do to a very bad move. That said, I own a carpet scrubber and regularly maintained the carpets during my entire time living there. The only thing I can think of they could be complaining about would be the furniture indentations on the carpet. Otherwise, it was not stained when I left it. I made sure of that. They also list $85 in damages which includes dirty drip pans on the stove for $30 (those are some pricey drip pans) and water damage under the kitchen sink. Considering I never stored anything that could have leaked under the kitchen sink, if there is water damage, it's from their stuff.
I did enjoy living at Las Colinas while I was there and the apartments are nice but between the hike in rent every year and the ridiculous final bill, I cannot recommend anyone bother unless you like getting hosed after you've moved out.