| - Went to purchase some postcards around 2p on a Wednesday. Gross parking lot, kind of shady. Lots of homeless people outside staring you down.
Quickly located the postcards without issue, but went to stand in line only to see there was a $10 minimum on credit cards. Saw an ATM. Waited at ATM as it locked up, which meant I couldn't leave because it wouldn't cancel the transaction. It was as if every employee had vanished.
After about ten minutes of standing at the ATM and the Please Wait flashing, I called the number at the bottom of the machine. The guy asked if I could locate an employee, and when I said I couldn't, he instructed me to unplug the machine and allow it to reset. After all that, it still didn't work, but at least the transaction was cancelled.
I located another ATM on the other side of the store, everything worked out here. I see some new postcards and check them out, but notice a guy with a headset standing less than 1 foot away from me. Turns out it was all the same stuff as on the other side of the store. He then followed me to the cashier; becoming my shadow was his goal.
Some random lady hopped in front of me at the cashier station and the cashier helped her instead. I was kind of over the whole ordeal, so I just looked at them like, really? Once I left, a couple of guys tried to ask me for money.
I got what I wanted, 20 postcards for just a few dollars. Was it worth it? Absolutely not.