| - Your choices for cable in this area suck, and Time Warner is a big part of the reason why. Inconsistent internet connectivity, extremely overpriced cable tv packages, the neverending "bundle with a completely useless and outdated landline" bs up-sell garbage, and my bill is ALWAYS higher than it should be. There is ALWAYS a line that moves painfully slow when you have to come to this physical location. Employees openly talk $hit about customers in front of you, real classy stuff (although at this point, I've come to realize that this is standard operating procedure for most people who work in customer service positions on the east side). I've cancelled my television service and if I didn't need internet for the days when I work from home, I'd love to cancel that as well...
Even worse, TWC provides the internet for the company I'm currently working for, and it is essentially dial-up speeds circa 1996. We've had IT professionals come out from our corporate office, we've had TWC's lackluster technicians come out, and after months of nonsense, nothing has improved. Time Warner Cable, I sincerely wish you the absolute worst. You deserve it.