This was the first stop on date night 2009. We wanted to pick up dessert for after our big dinner downtown. Not expecting much, we were bulldozed by the force of nature that was the Truffles clerk. We talked about vegan pastry, long jackets and Three Amigos all in the time it took to buy a slice of orange creamsicle cheesecake and two muffins. Nicer employees you will never meet! There is a small coffee shopish seating area inside if one is so inclined. You can stare out at Clifton blvd while stuffing your face with cake. The cheesecake was not baked on site, but was incredible. The muffins were for breakfast. They were average. Didn't try the coffee, but i'm totally going back for the full experience soon. This place is a minor treasure when juxtaposed with the Starbucks down the street, where they sell shitty cd's and fake ambiance.