Firstly, let me say the following sentence is completely my opinion and is not bound to any fact or research at all. This place must be a mob front. It has to be. Without question. Why? There is absolutely no way that they can serve up the food that they do, in the enormous portions that they are, and turn any sort of profit.
When you're working for the theatre and you're on a small dime, you look for any sort of discounts that you can. Zoupy's became a place that you'd go to gorge. A true to form deli, it appears to be family owned and you've got mom's behind the counter that do NOT want you to go hungry. Ordering a smoked meat sandwich, though tasty, could for the more modest appetite be split with a person. This is especially true if you are to get a side of fries that comes out like a side-of-beef-of-fries. Read "big".
The food is extremely tasty and they have daily specials that are always big on size and flavour. Do yourself this favour. Even if you're going to eat the food there, get it to go. That way you can at least when you realize that the eyes-stomach ratio is not going in your favour, pack up the spoils and take it home with you.