SURPISE SURPRISE - the night after a free quote, our AC went kaput. Coincidence? I think not. I had a bad feeling when the Comfort Consultant spent such a long time on our roof. Why would you need to spend so much time determining a 40 year old unit was old?
I expect that they think we'd call them back desperate -- after all, they came to quote on a Thursday night and it went out the next day.
The quote we received for a new unit alone for a 1600 square foot block home (square home, not a two story or even a ranch style) was $7300. They didn't break down the cost of the unit alone and that included the APS rebate and a BUY IT TODAY discount. That quote was more than 10 percent of the cost of the entire house. No thanks.
Having our neighbor come by to assess what damage was done by "consultant" while he was rifling around on our AC unit. Yes, it was old. Yes, it needs replacing. The next day? Awfully, awfully strange.