| - Retail yoga. The yoga shopping appears decent. They do provide ice, water, mats, towels, toiletries in the shower, and plastic bags for your wet yoga clothes. But the front desk experience lacks, the welcome to the studio tour and orientation to hot yoga do not exist, the website is difficult to understand, class was difficult to follow, the assists were aggressive, and the instructor made a snarky comment to me at one point during another aggressive assist.
Days later, I still have lingering bruises from the assists. The 3 finger and thumb bruise on my thigh is kind of funny, but validates my in the moment concern that the assists were actually painful.
If you are set on going here, identify their intro classes and do those. Even if you have done lots of yoga for many years, keep in mind that this is their version of yoga, with their own vocabulary (up down is used instead of chataranga) and approach. Maybe bruises for assists are part of their culture. Whatever.