I would not recommend Pet Medical Center. Over the years, we have been extorted for unnecessary medical procedures, which resulted in them attempting to extort money from us for a charge we did not authorize.
They flip flop between being very nice (we actually did have a couple of positive experiences) and being very rude, so it's a mixed bag in that regard.
The actual quality of care we experienced however, is very lacking.
Three times we have boarded our cat there - the first time they hardly fed him and he lost a visible amount of weight and ate for a solid hour after we picked him up, all the while screaming and howling for more food.
The second time we boarded him, he had days-old feces all over his body and the third time they added on an extra charge for medicine and lied to my wife, claiming that I authorized the charge, which I did not. They were going to hold our cat hostage while extorting the money until I threatened to file suit, at which time they realized that they did not have a case.
I accept a good amount of blame for continuing to use Pet Medical Center after the first negative incident, but it's difficult to switch when all of the records and prescriptions are under a particular vet.
Please be very careful when deciding on a vet and always get a second opinion. You owe it to yourselves and your beloved pets to get them the best care possible and avoid situations like we have had.