Jack in the Box has become my de facto fast food joint due to their no-holds-barred menu attitude. All meals are available all day, and they range from egg sandwiches to tacos. I mean, really? Where else can someone get a pair of tacos and a burger that are decent in one stop? They offer two types of fries for those that want variety, plus hashbrown sticks.
This place is by no means "healthy", and their adds flaunt that! It's refreshing to see a business let loose and except that they're the glut-vanna! We the people frequent places like this to serve out craving for fast, fun, fantastic foods! Why can't Jack cut loose too!
This particular location is conveniently located close to home, but otherwise it is rather tricky to navigate in and out of. Try to avoid on weekends, as the traffic from Concord Mills will no doubt drive you insane!